Dec 11, 2009

Also for next semester . . .

As I mentioned before, I like to do a series of workshops during SDN 602 to help strengthen areas of weakness you each may feel you have. I like to offer unique ones based on what students feel they need. In the past I've offered:
- AutoCad
- Ecotect
- Photoshop / Illustrator
- How to Create a Remarkable Presentation

So, I'd like those of you taking this course to complete a quick survey (Click here to take survey). I'm going to be polling two things:

1. are you interested in participating in a workshop I want to do
2. what workshop do you want to do

There is a limit to the number of workshops that can be completed well enough for me to run. I want to offer quality over quantity. So please complete the survey to let me know (Click here to take survey)

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